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Empowered to Succeed – Spotlight on Gabriela 

Empowered to Succeed – Spotlight on Gabriela

Success at Bellwether isn’t just about technical expertise; it’s also about the supportive environment that empowers employees like Gabriela to achieve their best. As a project manager, she thrives in a culture that values autonomy, collaboration, and clear communication within her team. At Bellwether, these elements come together to empower professionals to ask questions, embrace new challenges, and succeed in ways that align with both professional and personal goals.  加布里埃拉解释说:“我喜欢问问题,弄清楚事情是如何运作的. “我从新技术中学到了很多东西,我团队中的每个人都在同时学习.”  Gabriela’s […]

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Disaster Recovery: Protecting Your Business from the Unexpected

Disaster Recovery: Protecting Your Business from the Unexpected

Disaster recovery isn’t just data backup; it’s a comprehensive plan to restore your entire IT environment and keep your business running smoothly, even when the unexpected happens. 无论是像卡特里娜飓风这样的自然灾害,还是让你的系统瘫痪的网络攻击, 一个可靠的灾难恢复策略可以确保您准备好快速恢复, minimizing the impact on your operations, reputation, and bottom line. 以下是我们将在本文中介绍的内容,以解释灾难恢复以及它如何在您的运营面临风险时使您的新奥尔良业务保持弹性:了解灾难恢复灾难恢复不仅仅是保护您的[…]

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Cloud-to-Cloud Data Backup in the Age of SaaS 

Cloud to cloud backup in the age of SaaS

Imagine logging into your email one morning and finding an empty inbox. No emails, no attachments, no records of past conversations. 或者想象一下,发现你在销售和营销CRM中的所有联系人都不见了. 如果您的数据没有正确备份,这些可怕的情况就会发生. 虽然许多人认为云服务会自动保护他们所有的数据, the reality is different. 云对云数据备份已成为确保数据受到保护的基本策略, even when relying on third-party Software as a Service (SaaS) applications. 以下是你将在本文中找到的内容:当[…]

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在过渡到Windows 11时协调硬件更新的10个问题 

在过渡到Windows 11时协调硬件更新的10个问题

随着Windows 10的生命周期结束(EOL)在2025年10月14日临近,积极主动是值得的. While you might be focused on software upgrades, 关于硬件刷新还有一些经常被忽视的重要问题. Updating your operating systems is just one piece of the puzzle; updating your hardware is essential to protect your business and boost performance. When Windows 10 reaches EOL, Microsoft will stop providing updates and security patches, leaving your systems exposed to cyber threats and compliance issues. This means you need to replace devices that can’t run Windows 11. However, this necessity also presents […]

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(New Orleans, LA – July 22, 2024) -澳门赌场网址大全公司现在是iManage的实施合作伙伴, the leading document management software platform trusted by law firms, 金融服务行业和其他处理大量信息的组织. This partnership allows Bellwether to offer seamless, 端到端解决方案改变了组织管理和保护其重要文档的方式. With Bellwether’s expertise and iManage’s advanced technology, 客户从购买到实施都能获得精简的文档管理体验. The Necessity of Document Management Systems Modern businesses, especially law firms, financial services, and healthcare organizations, generate and manage huge amounts […]

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Red Flags to Watch for After Your MSP Has Been Acquired

合并和收购在托管IT服务提供商行业中已经变得很常见. Owners often choose to sell their companies for various reasons, such as retirement, access to additional resources, or the desire to cash in on their investments. While acquisitions can bring benefits like increased financial stability, expanded service offerings, and access to new technologies, 它们也可能构成重大挑战,可能对向客户提供的服务质量产生负面影响. 重要的是,企业领导者要认识到,他们的托管服务提供商(MSP)的收购可能不会像预期的那样顺利进行. By understanding these potential […]

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Hungry to Learn – Spotlight on Andy

对于澳门网赌大全网址科技公司的项目工程师安迪来说,没有标准的一天. One day he’s working from home on a new SharePoint rollout, 下一秒他就可能把100磅重的备用电池装进客户端的网络机架. Andy is ready for whatever the task the day calls for, whether it’s putting in a couple of hours’ drive time to work onsite, or sitting comfortably at his desk. Andy在Bellwether的职业生涯始于10多年前,当时他大学毕业后不久就开始担任服务台技术员. He spent a […]

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Bellwether Technology Corporation是2019 - 2024年新奥尔良最佳工作场所 

(New Orleans, Louisiana, June 23, 2024年,Bellwether Technology Corporation连续第六年被The Times-Picayune和The New Orleans Advocate评为最佳工作场所. 该奖项完全由第三方调查收集的员工反馈决定,该调查评估了员工体验的关键要素, including feelings of respect and support, opportunities for growth, and empowerment in their roles. “被评为最佳工作场所是一项重大成就,因为它直接来自我们员工的声音,” said Steven Ellis, CEO of Bellwether. “We strive to be a place where talented professionals want to […]

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The Business Case for Upgrading to Microsoft 365 Business Premium 

您是否一直犹豫是否要将您的组织的Microsoft 365订阅从标准版升级到高级版,因为您不确定它是否值得额外的费用? It’s understandable to be cautious about spending more. However, 也许是时候重新评估高级订阅提供的长期价值和投资回报率了, especially in terms of security. 了解标准版和高级版的区别Microsoft 365 Business Premium包括高级安全功能,旨在应对现代网络威胁. In contrast, the Standard subscription offers only basic protection, which may not be enough against today’s sophisticated cyberattacks. Upgrading to Premium better […]

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Start Planning Now for Windows 10 End of Support

微软宣布Windows 10将于2025年10月结束生命周期(EOL). EOL是指微软正式停止对操作系统(OS)的支持的日期。, including software updates, security patches, and technical assistance. After the EOL (or end of support) date, Windows 10 systems will no longer receive these vital updates and services. Windows 10 EOL对仍在使用该操作系统的企业来说意义重大. Without continued support, 随着新的漏洞被发现,Windows 10将越来越容易受到安全威胁. 此外,企业可能会遇到与新软件的兼容性问题[…]

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